
“Therapy doesn’t have to be boring or rigid”

Welcome to Delaware Bay Therapy Services, LLC. My name is Sherri Webster and I am glad you found me. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in NJ, DE and MD.

What’s the connection to the Bay?

I grew up in a small town along the bay in NJ. We lived close to a lighthouse and I would always find myself on the beach watching and listening to the waves. That lighthouse became my guide. I would always go there when I needed to find peace. I still do. There is something calming and grounding about being in the presence of a lighthouse, hearing the waves, and feeling the sand under your feet. The Delaware Bay is very much a part of who I am and where I feel connected. The bay just feels like home regardless of which side I’m on. I live on the Delaware side now but the sand and water are still near.

East Point Lighthouse, Heislerville, NJ

What led you to become a therapist?

To be honest, this is never where I expected life to take me.  I’ve changed career goals many times throughout my life.  I’ve wanted to be everything from a pastry chef to a teacher to a lawyer to an artist.  I’m actually still holding onto the “artist” dream.  One subject that was constant throughout all of school was psychology so I ended up changing my major not really sure what I wanted.  Despite various setbacks with other majors, I was able to graduate with a BA in Psychology in 2013.  My goal at that point was to work toward a masters in school guidance counseling.  However, my final paper for my BA required me to interview someone in the field and somehow I was linked to an LCSW.  That interview changed my whole life and I immediately knew I was heading in the wrong direction.  I started looking at MSW programs and applied to Rutgers University the next day.  I was accepted and began classes in 2013 and graduated with my MSW in 2016.  Looking back, I can’t imagine doing anything else right now. 

What are your credentials?

I graduated in 2016 with my MSW from Rutgers University. I am currently licensed as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in New Jersey and in Delaware. In Maryland, I am Licensed Certified Social Worker- Clinical (LCSW-C). I recently completed a grief certification and I am now a Certified Grief Professional (CGP). I am a board approved supervisor in Maryland and I am currently only able to supervise provisionally licensed therapists in Maryland. I hope to add the ability to supervise in New Jersey and Delaware in early 2023. I am currently working on a trauma certification from Rutgers New Jersey which should be finished sometime in 2023. Click HERE to see more about my credentials.

What kind of experience do you have?

I have worked with ages 3-99 and have experience treating nearly every diagnosis. I have experience with individual therapy, couples therapy and family therapy. I have experience running psychoeducational groups as well as group therapy sessions. I am best suited for young or middle age adults seeking individual therapy for anxiety or depression. I also am well suited for helping you manage stress, burnout, confidence, or life transitions. I am also an excellent fit for those who wish to address a trauma or grief. Additionally, I have significant experience in the medical environment and work well with those who have received a devastating medical diagnosis such as cancer, heart conditions, diabetes or other major health related issues or disabilities.

What is it like working with me?

Your first session is an opportunity for both of us to see if we are a good fit. Your comfort is important to me and impacts your engagement in this process. Therefore, I strive to give you a client-centered, non-judgmental space. I will make this space safe, confidential, professional and ethical. We will work together to verbalize and create your treatment plan. We will then work together to reach those goals. Every session and every interaction will be different. Some sessions may even be full of laughter and fun. Therapy doesn’t have to be boring or rigid. I like to incorporate humor into my sessions when appropriate. Sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine. Therapeutic interventions might include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Mindfulness, or Motivational Interviewing (MI). I also pull information to be shared from other interventions and evidence based treatments. COMING SOON….EMDR therapy. Watch this video about EMDR to learn more.

What are the fun things to know?

I like to have fun in laugh in your sessions. Not all the time, but often. Sometimes, I am laughing at myself.

I used to hate running. Then I liked it. Then I hated it again. Lately, I am trying to force myself to like it again.

I like to paint. I am trying to teach myself about watercolor but watercolor is much harder than acrylic.

One of my watercolor paintings

I work a full time job and this is my personal private practice. I love what I do. I eventually want to quit my full time job and work for myself fulltime but right now is not the right time. Eventually, I would like to grow and hire more therapists. Actually, I want to hire interns and pay them because I didn’t get paid at my internships and I want that to change.

I love tattoos and I have several large pieces. I usually keep them covered but if you ask, I will tell you about them and try to show you some.

I like to curse….alot. But.. I am respectful and will follow your lead.

I have 2 crazy dogs and 2 strange cats. The dogs don’t like the cats. The cats dgaf.

I am most likely in my basement when we have your sessions and it’s usually pretty cold down here.

I love ice cream. All ice cream. My favorite cake is ice-cream cake. The chocolate crunchies are the best thing ever invented.

My business phone number is actually my childhood phone number that my parents had for over forty years (just changed to a toll-free number).