Individual Therapy

In-Person and Telehealth Appointments Available Now

Serving residents of NJ, DE, and MD. Appointments are offered on nights and weekends so you don't have to miss work or other family obligations! All telehealth services are offered using a secure, HIPPA compliant website in the comfort of your own space.

Anxiety and Depression

Have you noticed more irritability? Feeling nervous? On edge? Forgetful? Maybe you have been feeling sad, down, hopeless. Maybe feeling worthless or even having suicidal thoughts. Therapy is a great way to learn and practice new coping skills, self care and other ways to minimize and reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.

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Anxiety and Depression

Confidence and Self Esteem

Are you struggling with confidence? Having a hard time saying no? Feeling left out or like you don't fit in? Feeling worthless? Not good enough? Together we can change those negative thoughts to positive ones. We can develop new coping skills to address these feelings. And we can learn ways to say no and establish boundaries.

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Confidence and Self Esteem

Trauma and PTSD

Have you experienced an traumatic event? Maybe you are experiencing flashbacks, you are easily startled and you are having nightmares. Maybe you are feeling anxious or depressed...

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Trauma and PTSD

Grief and Loss

Everyone experiences grief differently. Grief comes from many losses including the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of a pregnancy, a divorce or the loss of a pet. Grief often feels lonely and isolating. We often feel like no one understands or like everyone is avoiding us.

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Grief and Loss

Life Transitions or Severe Illness

Change can be hard. We all experience difficult transitions. New jobs, having a baby, moving to a new town, divorce, death of a loved one, severe illness or many others. We can identify strategies to help you make these transitions just a little easier and to help address the symptoms that we experience as a result of these difficult times.

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Life Transitions or Severe Illness

Walk and Talk

Want to get out of the office? If you are local, I offer walk and talk sessions that incorporate movement and fresh air into your treatment.

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Walk and Talk

Loved and Trusted by Clients and Colleagues

Read what my clients and colleagues are saying

Clinical Supervision Available

If you are provisionally licensed as a social worker in MD, I can provide supervision toward licensure. Please call me for more details. NJ and DE supervision will be added in January 2023.


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